As with our own health, we are to be the best guardians possible to our furry, feathered and four-legged animals. As many know, I am an avid animal lover. My first love is cats but with the guardianship and love affair with Rat Terriers that began almost 12 years ago, I have now focused on dogs. I recently acquired two male rat terriers, Bentley and Elijah and will keep you posted on their little lives as time goes on. With that said, now is the time to let you know how I will be handling their health as my knowledge has grown impeccably in the last five years and especially since the sudden passing of my beloved Jake in June 2011. More on that nightmare in posts to follow. I share this information only to help others grow in understanding and appreciation of CHOICES. Most veterinarians will not offer “alternative treatments” for your pets, therefore, you must “take control of your pet’s health” by reading, studying and trying.
Well aware this is a HOT topic with much controversy, but in this crazy world we live in what doesn’t come up without controversy? The choice is ours. Do we speak with courage and not allow fear to control us OR do we allow the “masses”, the “media” or the “government” to continue removing every right we have in the “land of the free and home of the brave”? The choice is ours which direction we go in life. Now, onto animals :-) Yesterday I was at a local “Natural Pet Food Store” and met a couple who seemed genuinely interested in what I had to say about vaccines, raw meat and “fillers” on the bags of dog food I was reading. For them, I write this blog and hope it helps many others as well. I will address dog foods – labels – raw diets, etc in future blogs. RENEWED LIFE CENTER will be offering PET TESTING DAYS in the Spring of 2012. Biofeedback testing done on humans will soon be available for animals … send us an email if you’re interested on being on our mailing list for this NEW PET SERVICE! The benefits are measureable as you will receive “real time” assessments of your animal’s body systems, digestive and spinal areas with suggested nutritional and detox protocols to assist in correcting those weak areas. HISTORY OF VACCINES. Check out the resources within this post but also do your own research on the history of vaccines, in general. Louis Pasteur did some pretty cheap stuff by stealing another’s remedy and claiming it to be his own. As developed and used by the medical profession, vaccination is based on two notions. The first one is that if the patient can be given a dis-ease that expresses itself ina very mild form, then immunity (later protection) will develop just as it would with the usual, more virulent, infection. This immunity would obviously allow protection without having to go through the discomfort or even life-threatening experience of the disease itself. The second notion is that this milder dis-ease is not harmful in any significant way. Have these ideas been successful? Most practicing doctors/veterinarians think they’re highly safe and successful , yet those who are more knowledgeable in the field of immunology speak in more guarded tones, there are definite problems. Here is my sweet, Jack Russell, Harlee. She is now eight years old. By the time she was four years old, I had administered the vaccines and rabies as directed by my veterinarian, thinking I was doing the right thing. IN hindsight, she had been knocked out for teeth cleanings and spayed the same year she had another round of vaccinations and rabies. She has suffered SEVERE skin, eye, ear, food and “allergy” type symptoms for almost four years now. I have spent THOUSANDS of dollars on vets, acupuncture, chinese herbs, supplements, massage, dermatologists … not to mention every “organic”, “natural” or raw food out there. Nothing has helped. She is now on 50mg of Atopica daily! If I take the dosage amount down, this is what happens to her. NON-ANESTHIA DENTAL CLEANING. I have used this method for six years now with great results. PLEASE watch the video below and make your own decision on what is best for your beloved pets. The technician I have used for years attends annual educational symposiums and has told me when it was time to take one of my dogs to the vet for a tooth that needed to be attended to. That tooth was pulled and my dogs have not had one issue other than that. All my animals get two teeth cleanings per year. ALWAYS STAY WITH YOUR DOG! Whether at a vet’s office or at a facility such as this. Check out boarding facilities, walk thru them – check licensing and insurance. NEVER get an x-ray without your research being done. Ultrasounds are safer when needed and see more, such as cancer. BOOKS IN MY LIBRARY. “Vaccine Guide for Dogs & Cats – What Every Pet Lover Should Know” by Catherine J. M. Diodati, MA. “Natural Immunity” by Pat McKay. “Raw & Natural Nutrition for Dogs” by Lew Olson. “Natural Nutrition for Dogs and Cats” by Kymythy R. Schultze. “Raw Dog Food-Make It Easy for You and Your Dog” by Carina Beth MacDonald. By faithfully giving pets their “veterinary recommended annual vaccinations”, guardians believe they are doing their best to help the animals stay healthy. Unfortunately, this is not the case. Evidence is mounting that vaccinations do harm, and often do not give the protection the veterinary system claims. Vaccinations are an increasingly expensive yearly routine designed to line the pockets of veterinarians. Governments have stepped in also, making rabies vaccination, at least, mand DEFENDING VETERINARIANS. I believe there are many who are well-meaning, kindhearted vets out there who are doing the very best they can. However, their schooling does not lead them to seek holistic, natural remedies. They are taught, like medical doctors, to write prescriptions and how to perform surgeries. As is the case with Michael Jackson’s doctor, Conrad Murray. He had both a legal and ethical responsibility to NOT overmedicate or administer drugs outside of the bylaws and statutes of his profession. Result? Human being is dead. The same happens with our animals. As the guardian of my animals, I am responsible to seek out all I can learn about veterinarian care. WHY is my dog reacting this way? WHAT is in the needle? WHAT is the quality and difference in vaccination liquids? And MORE importantly, does my animal REALLY benefit from this procedure? HOLISTIC REMEDIES. The books and links on this blog are a good place to start. Find a holistic veterinarian in your area or find a great one out of state that may be able to recommend someone OR do skype / phone consults to speed up your education. I have found two online suppliers who offer “live chat”, email or phone call with licensed veterinarians who have been educated in both allopathic and holistic treatments – at no to low cost. and RESOURCES: atory in ost states — and also requiring the vaccine be given more often than is safe or necessary. Vaccines are not always effective, and it is not uncommon for animals to develop the dis-eases they have been vaccinated against. A stressed aimal, or one who is ill or has weakened immune system, may not develop the antibodies the vaccines are supposed to produce. The pet develops the dis-ease, and the standard vet makes excuses or gives the dis-ease another name.