
Fall is my favorite time of year. Awesome weather, earth-tone and bright leaves aglow, Jewish feasts and “root” vegetable harvest. Not to mention those infamous “grape stomping” events here in southern California. It’s a wonderful time to breathe!

Jewish Fall Feasts: Trumpets or Rosh Hashanah (share in celebration); Yom Kippur (gather and cleanse);  and Tabernacles or Sukkot (wheat harvest) The Gathering. Their spiritual significance and FOOD is worth research and tasting!
Jewish Fall Feasts1

DIGESTION Harvest: “Harvest” in my world means healthy, regular bowel movements (minimum 3 per day, the size of a banana and the color of a medium walnut). If our urine pH is not 6.6-7.0 (without forcing it with anything other than “proper” food) our digestion will never be optimal. We do NOT want our stomach to be alkaline as the needed good acid must be present to kill amoebas, etc. Improper digestion results in too much “junk in the trunk”. Upon waking, drink one full mug of warm water with ½ lemon (alkaline) ~ this stimulates the liver’s engine to start moving the immune system. Check out our website for more information on “Loving Your Liver”.

Fermented foods such as kefir, miso and vegetables aid in digestion as they are partially broken down, making it easier to digest. We teach classes on how to prepare and “Enjoy Fermented Foods”.

Harvest “root” vegetables : High in minerals! We call vegetables with an underground part “root” vegetables. However “root vegetables” is not the best to describe them because they include not just only true roots but stem and bulb vegetables as well. There are three main types in the root vegetables family. a) vegetables with true roots such as carrots, beets, turnips, etc. b) stem types such as yam, ginger, etc. and c) bulb vegetables such as onions and kohlrabi. One of the main benefits of root vegetables is they can be stored after harvesting and twill keep well in cool storage so they are perfect winter vegetables.

Technically, to be a “true” Root Vegetable, the vegetable should meet two conditions: grow underground and play the role of a root for the plant, absorbing moisture and nutrients from the ground. The following vegetables are examples of true Root Vegetables: Carrots, Horseradish, Radishes, Rutabagas, Parsnips, Salsify, and Turnips. They are actually the taproot of the plant, which is formed from the very first root that the seed put out.

Root vegetables are used in many “anti-aging” diets as they are rich in Hyaluronic Acid, which allows supple, wrinkle-less skin, a natural moisturizer and more! Hyaluronic acid is imperative for wound healing, joint functionality, tissue repair and regeneration. They are also rich in Vitamin A which improves immune health as well as help us maintain a healthy “mineral savings account”.

A list of root vegetables is actually quite extensive, but some of my faves are: Turnip ~ parsnips ~ sweet lily yam ~ rutabaga ~ cassava ~ jicama and the one we will look at more closely, kohlrabi.

One of the many perks in joining a community co-op is discovering and using new vegetables. Since kohlrabi just showed up in my box I thought it’s a fine time To tell others about this nutrient rich, delicious vegetable so you too, can expand your healthy diet.

Kohlrabi (German) is a member of the cabbage family. It is knobby, in purple or green with an enlarged, turnip-shaped stem which is referred to as a “bulb”.  If the bulb is left to grow too big, it will be tough and strong flavored.  When young, it will be sweeter and more mild flavored. Young harvested is within 70 days after planting.  Its leaves are ruffled and can be cooked separately as “greens”.  These are the ways of preparation I enjoy.


Preparation: Always peel off the tough outermost layer of the bulb. The greens can be eaten raw in salad, sauteed or steamed like mustard greens. It is slightly crunchy and mildly spicy so “simple” Indian spices like tamarind paste, onions, cumin, turmeric, ginger and coriander work best.

Let’s face it, people just aren’t getting the nutrients they need from their diets today. Even diets that seem the healthiest are not as nutritious as we think. Our soils have been depleted of minerals and our foods are over processed. We must continue to eat as healthy as possible (organic); however, in order to maintain Optimum health we must use some form of supplementation for those nutrients and minerals we are lacking due to poor soil and external stressors (stress of all kinds).

If supplementation is not from a quality source, it may be of little or no benefit and hard on your liver to process, therefore, limited absorption. Do not assume that your body is receiving proper nutrients through diet alone. We offer supplements from Premier Research Lab (PRL) which do not have “excipients” or “tag alongs”. They provide the highest grade quality with an efficient and effective delivery system.

Root Drivers. What is at the “root” of your symptom(s)? QRA finds the underlying cause(s) by uncovering “jammed circuitry” and deficient nutrition needs to assist in returning the body to its “natural state of health”.

Body traumas affect our health by leaving a “memory echo” in our nervous system. They are remembered and affect how the body directs energy flow in maintaining health. Traumas have a domino affect and disrupt our electrical frequencies, resulting in undesired symptoms of ill-health. In order to return our body to its natural state of health, traumas must be corrected and energy must be put back into the affected sites. They need to be cleared or our body will compensate and adapt, which leaves our original blueprint of health disrupted. Mud-packing allows the ‘chi’ to flow in the affected areas once again.

Soooo… getting to the “root” is important, be it nutritional food or underlying causes that need our attention.